It's about time for a little update about my infrastructure !
Technologies used
So here's my rack, a lot changed since last time:
I'm now running a VMware infrastructure version 6.5 (6.7 doesn't support my CPUs anymore), here are the specs of the main server :
It also has 4 * 3To disks for storage in raid 5. Mostly dedicated to my Xpenology VM, works great btw.
Everything in my home is driven by this rack, my router is a pfsense virtual machine as this gives me more performance than most of the little boxes available on the market:
Monitoring is done by observium and LibreNMS (librenms sends the alerts directly to my rocket chat).
Battle Station
A lot has changed on my battle station:
I now have 2*27 inch screens on the sides (1080p) and a 32 inch 1440p screen in the middle. The configuration of the Beast has changed some, it now has :
2 x Xeon E5-2690 2.9 GHz (Turbo 3.8Ghz)
64GB ECC 1866Mhz (overclocked)
Motherboard :
Asrock EP2C602-4L/D16
Graphics card :
Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti
Hard drives :
SSD 500GB + 4TB HDD + 2*NVME 1TB
Power supply :
Antec High Current Pro 1200 Watts
Cooling :
Full Noctua air cooling
I also tasted the pleasure of 3D printing and I love it:
I now have a Chinese (unbranded) delta printer and a Creality ender 3. 3D printing really begins to become mainstream and is great for DIY and repairs.
That's it for this little update, V to all bikers from my other Beast !
Hello everyone,
It's finaly time to present you my stuff, so here we go ! Enjoy !
Here I present you my Hardware and working zone :
Computer configuration :
2 x Xeon E5-2643 3.3 GHz
24Gio (16Gio Corsair kit + 8Gio Crucial)
Motherboard :
Asrock EP2C602-4L
Graphics card :
Nvidia gtx 680 2Gio + gtx 660 Ti 2Gio
Hard drives :
Raid 0 1To + Seagate 3To + SSD Intel 180 Go
Power supply :
Antec High Current Pro 1200 Watts
Cooling :
2 x Antec Kuhler 620 + 5 Fans
Notebook :
HP Probook 5330M with 8Go of RAM and a 256 Gio crucial SSD
And my server rack (actually my computer is in it too, but I virtualise a lot):
From the top to the bottom :
2 x 19" power strips
Cable management tunnel
Linksys SRW2024 switch - 24 x 10/100/1000 ports (main switch)
Cisco 2811 router
HP 1800-24G - 24 x 10/100/1000 ports (Spare switch & future ESXi's)
Cisco catalyst 2024 XL - only for testing
Samknows box
My computer (see above)
Spare server (Core 2 duo with 2Go of ram)
Xpenology server - Intel I3 & 2Go of ram
I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading !
Je suis enfin passé sur Voo pour avoir une connexion un peu plus "convenable". Sachant qu'avant j'étais chez belgacom et que je ne savais avoir plus que 4 Mbit/s en Download et 512 Kbit/s en upload.
Un petit speedtest :
J'en profite aussi pour vous présenter le nouveau venu dans la famille, un petit switch lynksis/cisco srw2024 (24 ports en 10/100/1000) :
Après une petit tour au CeBit en Allemagne grâce à l'organisation du comité TIG, j'ai pu marchander un peu avec des chinois sur place et me procurer une armoire serveur.
Et voici donc mon nouvel environnement de travail :
Beaucoup plus propre à présent :) est enfin en ligne sous son nom de domaine définitif.
Bonne navigation :)
G33k's place, le petit frère de @RGbook, est disponible dans la section Mes Sites
Bon amusement :)